Custom Components

Custom Output Adapters

Introduction to Output Adapters

Output adapters in Sublayer are powerful components that define the structure and format of the AI-generated output. They serve as a bridge between the raw AI responses and the structured data your application expects.

The Output Adapter Interface

To create an output adapter in Sublayer, you need to implement the following interface:

Required Properties

  • name: A string that provides a name for the high level information you're expecting to receive from the LLM
  • description: A string that elaborates on what that name represents. This is also sent to the LLM to provide more context on what you're expecting to receive

Required Methods

  • initialize: A method that initializes the output adapter with at least the name and description properties.
  • properties: A method that returns a single element array of OpenStruct objects representing the properties of the output. Each element needs at least a name, description, and type property and follows JSON spec. This is used for defining the function call in the LLM.

Optional Methods

  • load_instance_data(generator): A method to loads the instance data from the generator in order to be used in the output adapter. This is useful for times when you might want to pass data into a generator that would be used in the output adapter. For example cases where you want to pass in a list of items for an LLM to select from. Used in the StringSelectionFromList output adapter linked below.

  • materialize_result(raw_result): A method that receives the raw results from the LLM and returns a transformation of it. This is useful when you want to coerce the results into a specific type, or instantiate an object with the properties you receive from the LLM. Used in the NamedStrings output adapter linked below.

Using Your Custom Output Adapter

For custom output adapters, you can pass the class directly into the llm_output_adapter method in the Generator like so:

class MyGenerator < Sublayer::Generators::Base
  llm_output_adapter class: MyOutputAdapter,
    name: "My Output Adapter",
    description: "This is a custom output adapter that does something special",
    custom_attribute: "This is a custom attribute that is passed to the output adapter"

# ... rest of the generator code


Below are links to the built in output adapters in Sublayer and are fully tested against example generators. You can use these as a reference when building your own output adapters.
